Thursday, May 26, 2016

To who it may concern,

                 I am writing this to inform you how the override will effect the school and the students who participate in sports. Because the price to play sports for the high school will be going up and there will not be a cap. Because it would cost so much there would be even less players. Most people will not be able to pay and will not want to pay over a thousand  dollars just to play a single season of high school football.

         I know that I will be affected by this. I play football, I wrestle, I have an older sister that plays lacrosse, two younger sisters that both do cheer leading, and a younger brother who dose football, baseball, and wrestling. With all of the sports we play combined our parents are going to have to pay almost two thousand dollars if they decide that we can play sports. Sports is a really big part in my life along with many other students. Please don't take that away from us.

            Sincerely yours,
                      Isaiah Chinchilla

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

what qualifies something to be a sport?

       What qualifies something to be a sport? I think for something to be qualified as a sport it has to have at least one of five things. It would need to have skill for the activity involved in it. It needs to involve some type of competition with other people taking part in the activity. There needs to be some type of way to keep score and score the activities.It must require practice. The last thing that an activity would need to be qualified as a sport is an official or referee of some sort to make calls on what is going on or if somebody did something that they shouldn't have done.
         Most people think that if they don't see a sport on T.V that it must not be a sport because it is not being showed on ESPN. That is not true. Sure there are somethings that really would not be qualified as a sport but there are also activities that people do not think are sports but they really are. Football is considered a sport but why? Well it is a sport because it requires skill. It has competition against other teams. There is a way that it is scored. The football players have to practice. And the fifth thing something needs to have to qualify as a sport is an official or referee. And football has all five.

          What people consider not to be sports are the sports that are not on T.V because they are not as big as football, baseball, soccer, basketball, or hockey. Because thy are not shown on T.V people believe that these activities could not possibly qualify to be sports. Fishing, hunting, ping pong, cheer leading, golf, bowling, curling, competitive eating, and NASCAR are some of the activities that many say do not qualify as sports. Fishing requires skill. It has competition were you have to try and catch the most fish or the biggest fish. It keeps score of how many fishes somebody has caught or how heavy a fish is. It also has an official. Just like fishing all of the other sports that I listed also have all of these five things so they must be qualified as sports.

        In conclusion to what qualifies an activity to be a sport there are also activities that should not be qualified as sports and my example is cooking. Cooking is not something that should be turned  into a sport because there is skill required to be able to cook amazing foods but in reality nobody will want to watch competitive cooking over a football game or even a soccer game. It may have two things that require something to be a sport but even i would never consider competitive cooking to qualify as a sport. This is what i believe qualifies something to be a sport. It must require skill. It has to have competition. It must have a way to score. It must require participants to practice. And it must have an official or a judge.